Quadra Island Community Page

Welcome to Quadra Island's Community Page!
A space to share your thoughts, feedback and questions as you participate in engagement opportunities that will help shape the projects and services for your community.
Stay informed to know when the next engagement for your community will take place by registering today.
Welcome to Quadra Island's Community Page!
A space to share your thoughts, feedback and questions as you participate in engagement opportunities that will help shape the projects and services for your community.
Stay informed to know when the next engagement for your community will take place by registering today.
A new partnership process to enhance the future of ferry system engagement
Share A new partnership process to enhance the future of ferry system engagement on Facebook Share A new partnership process to enhance the future of ferry system engagement on Twitter Share A new partnership process to enhance the future of ferry system engagement on Linkedin Email A new partnership process to enhance the future of ferry system engagement linkWe are entering a new era of engagement aimed at strengthening relationships with coastal communities, enhancing customer trust, and meeting the public interest.
We are launching a process to design a new engagement model that better addresses the evolving needs of growing coastal communities, reflecting the importance of more effectively incorporating digital engagement.
Over the coming months we will collaborate with Ferry Advisory Committees (FAC), community residents, customers, local governments and MLAs, First Nations, and other interested and impacted groups to create an inclusive and responsive engagement model, which will replace the FACs and be in place May 2025.
We want to thank current and previous committee members for their contributions over the past 30-plus years. We are grateful for their commitment and service.
While this work takes place on the new engagement model, project-specific engagement will continue as usual. As always, customers can continue to provide feedback to Customer Relations directly online at www.bcferries.com/contact-us or via our Customer Service Centre by phone (1-888-223-3779).
Stay informed by signing up for updates on new opportunities to collaborate and help shape the next steps in our engagement journey.
Thank you for your continued support and participation.
Tree Work on Pidcock Road - August 8, 2024
Share Tree Work on Pidcock Road - August 8, 2024 on Facebook Share Tree Work on Pidcock Road - August 8, 2024 on Twitter Share Tree Work on Pidcock Road - August 8, 2024 on Linkedin Email Tree Work on Pidcock Road - August 8, 2024 linkTree work is scheduled on Pidcock Road adjacent to the Quathiaski Cove terminal on August 8 starting at 8:00 am. The work will lay down problematic trees and branches on the bank and is expected to take 8-10 hours. Traffic marshals are onsite and there may be some limited road access during this time. You may wish to take an alternative route around Pidcock Road to avoid potential delays.
Whaletown and Heriot Bay Terminal Project: 'What we heard' report now available
Share Whaletown and Heriot Bay Terminal Project: 'What we heard' report now available on Facebook Share Whaletown and Heriot Bay Terminal Project: 'What we heard' report now available on Twitter Share Whaletown and Heriot Bay Terminal Project: 'What we heard' report now available on Linkedin Email Whaletown and Heriot Bay Terminal Project: 'What we heard' report now available linkWe are excited to be moving closer to welcoming an Island Class Vessel in 2027 and providing increased capacity for Cortes Islanders and those travelling the route.
In preparation for introducing the larger vessel to the route and to replace aging infrastructure, berth replacements are required for Whaletown and Heriot Bay. This will mean full berth closures and alternate service for the route from January to mid-March, 2026. With work planned to begin in the fall of 2025, engagements with the community have begun early to help shape plans for the alternate service that will be required during the berth closure.
An in-person Open House was held on Cortes Island on April 27, 2024, alongside a three-week online engagement opportunity. Members of the public were invited to attend and provide their input on alternate service plans and ideas to help mitigate impacts on ferry users. The 'what we heard' report from this early engagement period is now available. Click here to read the report.
To stay up to date, you can subscribe to receive proactive updates via email by visiting the terminal projects page and clicking 'Subscribe' on the right hand side of the page.
Take the survey and share your priorities!
Share Take the survey and share your priorities! on Facebook Share Take the survey and share your priorities! on Twitter Share Take the survey and share your priorities! on Linkedin Email Take the survey and share your priorities! linkWe've gathered a list of what we’ve heard as priorities from your Ferry Advisory Committee and community over the past two years. Now we need your help to:
- Review the list of feedback we’ve received from your community
- Prioritize the feedback we can action
Your feedback will be used by the Community Prioritization Panel (CPP) - a panel comprised of Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs from across the coast - to create a prioritized list of recommendations for the whole BC Ferries system.The survey will be open until Monday, July 29, 2024.
Check back on this page for updates on the process and what we heard from your community.
Quadra Island and Cortes Island Community Workshop: What We Heard Summary
Share Quadra Island and Cortes Island Community Workshop: What We Heard Summary on Facebook Share Quadra Island and Cortes Island Community Workshop: What We Heard Summary on Twitter Share Quadra Island and Cortes Island Community Workshop: What We Heard Summary on Linkedin Email Quadra Island and Cortes Island Community Workshop: What We Heard Summary linkOn Saturday, July 13th, we hosted the Campbell River-Quadra-Cortes community workshop to gather feedback on the priorities for our ferry services. Participants included members from the Ferry Advisory Committee and the broader community. The discussion was lively and informative, and several key priorities were highlighted as areas of focus.
The highest-ranking priorities of the workshop were:
Vehicle Loading for Cortes Residents
Participants emphasized the need for a tagging or numbering system to identify vehicles travelling to Cortes. Additionally, a request to reintroduce a dedicated lane for Cortes travelers to streamline the loading process was made.
Line-up Management at Heriot Bay and Quathiaski Cove
Safety was the main theme, with participants stressing the importance of getting cars off the road and making sufficient parking available to improve safety and traffic flow.
Washrooms at Campbell River Terminal
The current washroom facilities present accessibility challenges, particularly for seniors and people with disabilities. One participant noted, "My dad can't use the outhouse with his walker."
Vehicle Staging at Campbell River Terminal During Cancellations
Participants highlighted safety concerns when cars are backed up onto the highway during cancellations. This priority was deemed important to address the potential hazards.
Schedule Adjustments
Another high-ranking priority was the return of the 8:30 p.m. sailing from Campbell River. Although the current summer schedule partially addresses this priority, participants expressed a desire to maintain it and introduce earlier sailings. This would benefit hospital workers with shifts ending at 7 p.m. and youth involved in sports and school activities, allowing them to arrive home at a more reasonable hour.
Thank you!
We would like to thank everyone who came out to our in person workshop, and the members of the Ferry Advisory Committee who joined us. If you were not able to make it, there is still an opportunity to provide your feedback through the online engagement open now until Monday, July 29, 2024.
Customer Care
Customer Relations
Online: bcferries.com/contact-us(External link)
By Phone:1-888-BC FERRY (1-888-223-3779)
Canada & USA
Schedule a callback: bcferries.com/customer-callback
- How do I stay informed of cancellations and delays on my route?
- What happens if my sailing is cancelled or service is disrupted?
- How can my organization apply for support for a community initiative?
- How do I apply to be a vendor with BC Ferries?
- Where can I find BC Ferries travel data and reports for my route?
Follow Project
Travel Tips
What we heard Quadra Island and Cortes Island Feb 2023 (1.56 MB) (pdf)
Community Workshop July 2024 - Poster (497 KB) (pdf)
Powell River Queen Farewell - Community Invitation (227 KB) (pdf)
Community Drop-in Information Boards (13.8 MB) (pdf)
2024 BC Ferries Public Event Code of Conduct (514 KB) (pdf)
February 4, 2023 - Community Drop-in - Engagement Summary.pdf (99.7 KB) (pdf)
BC Ferries In-Person Public Meeting Postponed.png (46.7 KB) (png)
April 19, 2024 - We're looking forward to being back in person with you.pdf (104 KB) (pdf)
July 12, 2024 - Join us for an Interactive Community Workshop!.pdf (93 KB) (pdf)
Reports and Submissions
July 30, 2024 - More ships - More service - Planning for the future with Performance Term 6 (2024 - 2028).pdf (92.7 KB) (pdf)
Director's Log January 2023 (616 KB) (pdf)
March 7, 2023 - Update on Performance Term 6 - Revised 4-Year Plan to Commissioner.pdf (91.6 KB) (pdf)
22-055 Two Ship Operation For Campbell River - Quadra Island Route (154 KB) (pdf)
November 10, 2023 - Charting the Course - A Vision for Coastal Ferries .pdf (79.5 KB) (pdf)
April 18, 2024 - Capital Planning Update April 2024.pdf (87.8 KB) (pdf)
July 30, 2024 - Bidding farewell to the Powell River Queen.pdf (177 KB) (pdf)
June 21, 2023 - National Indigenous Peoples Day.pdf (93.7 KB) (pdf)
Your Ferry Advisory Committee
Campbell River - Quadra Island - Cortes Island
Chair: Michael Lynch - mlynch.fac@gmail.com
BC Ferries is fortunate to be able to work with 13 Ferry Advisory Committees (FAC) located in communities up and down the coast of British Columbia. These committees are typically made up of 8-12 volunteer members who represent the ferry-dependent communities we serve. Ferry Advisory Committees play a fundamental role in facilitating information sharing between communities and BC Ferries. The committees provide important advice and insight that helps inform day-to-day operations, terminal and vessel improvements, schedule changes, and other initiatives.
To view find out more or to apply, visit our Ferry Advisory Page