Powell River Community Page

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Welcome to Powell River's Community Page!

This page is a space for community members and those that travel on the route to receive updates and information about ferry service on their route, and to offer suggestions, comments and questions to the BC Ferries team.

The input you provide will help us determine the topics that are of most interest to your community so we can bring answers, information, and themes for dialogue when we're in your community next.

This page will also be a resource hub for community event information, route-specific updates, reports and community stories.

Check back or subscribe using the link on the right to be informed of new items added to the page!

Welcome to Powell River's Community Page!

This page is a space for community members and those that travel on the route to receive updates and information about ferry service on their route, and to offer suggestions, comments and questions to the BC Ferries team.

The input you provide will help us determine the topics that are of most interest to your community so we can bring answers, information, and themes for dialogue when we're in your community next.

This page will also be a resource hub for community event information, route-specific updates, reports and community stories.

Check back or subscribe using the link on the right to be informed of new items added to the page!

  • Take the survey and share your priorities!

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    We've gathered a list of what we’ve heard as priorities from your Ferry Advisory Committee and community over the past two years. Now we need your help to:

    • Review the list of feedback we’ve received from your community
    • Prioritize the feedback we can action

    Your feedback will be used by the Community Prioritization Panel (CPP) - a panel comprised of Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs from across the coast - to create a prioritized list of recommendations for the whole BC Ferries system.

    The survey will be open until July 18th.

    Check back on this page for updates on the process and what we heard from your community.

  • qathet Sunshine Coast Community Workshop: What we Heard Summary

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    On Wednesday, July 3, we hosted the qathet Sunshine Coast Community Workshop in Powell River to gather feedback on the priorities for our ferry services. Participants included members from the Ferry Advisory Committee and the broader community. The discussion was lively and informative, and several key priorities emerged as areas of focus.

    Read the verbatim comments from the evening here.

    The highest-ranking priorities were:

    Methods to ease connecting travel: Exploring ways to make it easier for those travelling between Powell River and the Lower Mainland are desired, including things like connecting reservations, dedicated staging lanes at terminals for connecting travellers, and more efficient communication when delays are occurring on one route or another.

    Support for medical travellers: Participants indicated a desire to make travelling for medical purposes easier, including easier access to free TAP reservations, especially in the summer months, and making connecting travel easier for those going to/from the Mainland for appointments.

    Road safety at Blubber Bay and Saltery Bay terminals: Participants noted the ongoing need to provide safe access to the terminals for school buses, foot passenger drop-off and pick-up, and those trying to access terminal amenities. This was noted as a particular concern during peak summer months when congestion on local roadways prohibits easy terminal access.

    Thank you!

    We would like to thank everyone who came out to our in person workshop, and the member of the Ferry Advisory Committee who joined us. If you were not able to make it, there is still an opportunity to provide your feedback through the online engagement open now until July 18: Take the survey.

  • Service region name changes to qathet Sunshine Coast

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    On request of the Ferry Advisory Committee, BC Ferries Engagement team has recently changed the name used to represent communities within the Northern Sunshine Coast to ‘qathet Sunshine Coast’. This change is intended to better reflect the area served by BC Ferries north of Earls Cove ferry terminal.

    The name ‘qathet’ is a word from Tla’amin Nation meaning “working together”. The word was gifted to the local government authority from the Tla’amin First Nation in 2017. qathet is pronounced “KAW-thet,” and is intentionally lowercase to reflect Tla’amin spelling.

  • Join us for an Interactive Community Workshop!

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    Join us! For an Interactive Community Workshop

    Wednesday, July 3, 2024
    6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
    Powell River


    • Introduction & presentation: 20 minutes
    • Reviewing the feedback we’ve heard from you (interactive stations): 35 minutes
    • Prioritizing the feedback we’ve heard from you (interactive stations): 30 minutes
    • Wrap-up & close: 5 minutes

    Session Format

    This community workshop will begin with a short presentation, followed by two interactive sessions that ask participants to help us:

    1. Ensure the feedback we have captured from the Ferry Advisory Committee and community is complete and accurate
    2. Prioritize the feedback we’ve captured based on what is most important to the community

    Participants will also walk away with a better understanding of:

    • How BC Ferries makes decisions
    • The aspects of ferry service that are rising to the top as most important for their community
    • The next steps for considering and taking action on the feedback provided
    • How to stay involved and connected in the next steps

    To get the most from the session, participants are encouraged to stay for the entire workshop, but are most welcome to drop in and stay as long as they wish. We understand life is busy and time is precious.

    There will an online engagement component hosted on this page that mirrors the workshop input, for those who are not able to attend.

    To stay connected, please click the ‘Stay Informed’ icon at the right hand side of the page, or continue to check this page.

    We look forward to meeting you.

  • We're looking forward to being back in person with you

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    This spring and summer we’re getting back out with our Ferry Advisory Committees and the communities we serve. With a focus on resetting conversations, we’ll be looking at what we’ve heard from FACs and communities over the past two years. We’ll work together to:

    • Review the list of feedback we’ve received from each community
    • Prioritize the feedback we can action
    • Establish criteria that will help a new Community Prioritization Panel make recommendations about what’s most important across the ferry system

    This work will result in a prioritized list of action items for each community. From there, a Community Prioritization Panel (CPP) will work to consolidate these items into a prioritized list for the whole BC Ferries system.

    All FAC chairs have been invited to participate in the CPP and the panel will deliver a final public report by October 31, 2024. This report will help guide how BC Ferries reviews and makes decisions on changes needed to improve service and experience for customers, and also help inform long-term decisions that align with the ongoing Charting the Course vision process.


    • May: Virtual meetings with all Ferry Advisory Committees
    • June/July: In-person community workshops

    Dates and details for community workshops will be posted to this page shortly.

    New Safety and Security Measures

    In order to create a safe and respectful environment for all, BC Ferries has implemented changes based on recommendations made in its safety review, including:

    • Establishing safety and security policies for public events that align with WorkSafe BC requirements.
    • Rolling out a new mandatory respectful workplace policy and training across the company, including training in Prevention of Violence in the Workplace for all BC Ferries representatives who will take part in community events.
    • Establishing plans and templates to support safety and security assessments in advance of FAC and community meetings.
    • Establishing new processes for public events, including the request for participants to RSVP ahead of time, new sign-in requirements, and a new Code of Conduct that will apply to all public events. We’ll provide more information on what you can expect to see at events in an upcoming post to this page.
    • Updating the Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct to ensure the correct foundations are in place to support a mutually respectful and productive relationship with FACs.

    Stay Informed

    We’ll be providing updates to this page in the coming weeks, click the ‘Stay Informed’ icon on the right hand side of the page to receive updates to your email inbox.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    The BC Ferries Community Relations Team

  • Terminal Asphalt Paving Repairs - Langdale

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    Langdale Terminal: November 14 - 17, 2023

    As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the safe operation of our terminal facilities, BC Ferries will be carrying out asphalt paving work at the Langdale terminal during the week of November 14th through 17th, 2023.

    During this period, single-lane closure of the transfer deck will be required to facilitate part of the repair work. Vehicle and pedestrian traffic patterns in the terminal may be modified to accommodate the other various repair works. Customers are reminded to please follow the direction of staff to ensure safe and efficient movement through the terminal for both arrivals and departures.

    We anticipate a minor impact to operations and on-time performance of sailings during this time and would like to thank our customers for their patience and understanding while these necessary works are completed.

    Service Notices will be updated, as required, to inform of any changes to this scheduled work.

    For more information or traffic updates please follow @BCFerries on Twitter, or visit our website at bcferries.com.

  • Charting the Course: A Vision for Coastal Ferries

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    Now is the time to shape the vision of the coastal ferry service in BC.

    Transportation, transit and ferry systems around the world are under pressure resulting from the pandemic, population growth, climate change, inflation and other factors. BC’s coastal ferry system is no exception, and BC Ferries is responding with actions to address current operational issues. We are also embarking on a long-term transformative journey to reshape our coastal ferry services in response to the evolving needs of the communities we serve.

    We invite you to participate in Charting the Course, an initiative that aims to define what is needed to keep people, goods, and services in coastal communities connected and moving through to 2050 and beyond.

    Hearing from you is an important part of this initiative to help us build a more sustainable and resilient ferry system. The first phase of engagement is open until November 28. Learn more and participate here: https://www.bcferriesprojects.ca/bc-ferries-charting-the-course

  • Route 3 Service Changes - Sept 9 to Oct 9, 2023

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    Route 3 will experience some service disruptions between September 9 and at least October 9, 2023 as a result of the Coastal Renaissance being out of service. Over this time, the following sailings will be cancelled:

    Cancellation Dates


    Horseshoe Bay

    (Sunshine Coast)

    Sunday, Sept 10

    3:20 pm

    4:45 pm

    Monday, Sept 11 to Friday, Sept 15

    5:30 pm

    Sunday, Sept 17

    3:20 pm

    4:45 pm

    Monday, Sept 18 to Friday, Sept 22

    5:30 pm

    Sunday, Sept 24

    3:20 pm

    4:45 pm

    Monday, Sept 25 to Friday, Sept 29

    5:30 pm

    Sunday, Oct 1

    3:20 pm

    4:45 pm

    Monday, Oct 2 - Friday, Oct 6

    5:30 pm

    Saturday, Oct 7

    9:05 am 10:10 am
    Monday, Oct 9

    3:20 pm 4:45 pm

    We know the loss of the 5:30pm sailing has significant impact on those who commute using this route, and we wish to give everyone as much time as possible to plan their journey. We sincerely apologize for the impact we know this will have for you.

    Those with reservations for cancelled sailings will be contacted and either moved to another sailing, or compensated if cancellation of their trip is required. For those without reservations, we wish to assure you that there is still space available on our other sailings, with about half of the deck held for drive-up traffic.

    Why is this disruption happening?

    Our operation is large and complex, we do not have spare ships available to fill in when unexpected mechanical issues happen, so we must move existing vessels around and change schedules to accommodate as many customers as possible with the available resources.

    In this instance, a ship from the Departure Bay – Nanaimo route (Route 2) usually moves to Route 3 on weekdays to provide the 5:30pm service, however with the loss of the Coastal Renaissance on Route 2, we must make ship and schedule changes that allow us to maintain the minimum level of service we are contractually obligated to provide. Route 3 service levels remain within contractually obligated levels, but some supplementary service will be lost over this time with the cancellation of the sailings noted above.

  • National Indigenous Peoples Day

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    Today marks National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day we celebrate and recognize the diverse cultures, traditions and immeasurable contributions of First Nations, Inuit, & Métis across Canada. Indigenous Peoples are the traditional stewards of the rivers, lakes, land & sea where we are privileged to live and work.

    #NIPD2023 serves as an opportunity to learn and deepen our understanding of the Indigenous cultures throughout Canada.

    • Learn more about Indigenous Peoples land, languages, history and culture: https://maps.fpcc.ca/
    • The First Peoples’ map highlights BC's Indigenous language regions, artists & artworks, place names & landmarks: https://native-land.ca/
    • Native Land is an app that allows users to map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages: https://ow.ly/1pUt50OPX10
    • Use the @BCGovNews map to find events happening in your community celebrating National Indigenous History Month: https://ow.ly/fif850OPX4l
    • Learn more about the history, cultures, and experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canada: https://ow.ly/mJ4250OPX91

    Learn about National Indigenous People’s Day and how you can participate in celebrating their culture and heritage.

    #BCFerries remains committed to fostering meaningful relationships with the Indigenous communities we serve. We recognize the importance of collaboration and partnership as we work toward a future of mutual respect, reconciliation and inclusivity.

  • Community Engagement: Drop-in summary

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    Summary of Engagement Results

    On February 21, 2023 we held a community drop-in in Powell River. We had over 40 people attend the event in person, in addition to over 300 visits to the online community pages. Comments and feedback about important topics to the community were also collected on the pages and in person. A quick synopsis of engagement results can be found below. The full report is available and can be found by clicking the links below or in the Documents section on the right-hand side of this page.

    Northern Sunshine Coast - Synopsis of Engagement Results

    44 participants attended in person and 64 comments were received.

    Engagement activities included:

    • A three-week online engagement
    • One in person community drop in

    Key themes that emerged from the engagement included:

    • Direct service for Texada Island
    • Medical assured loading
    • Crewing
Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 10:15 AM